Many of our nation's Veterans are suffering from many health related issues caused by the lack of proper oral hygiene and dental care. The Veterans Smile Program is raising awareness about this growing Veterans dental/health crisis. Our mission is to assist our Veterans in need obtain FREE critical dental care. They served, they deserve dental care too. The Veterans Smile program improves our Veterans physical health, mental health and overall quality of life after service. The Veterans Smile program gives our nation's Veterans back so much more than just a SMILE. This Veterans dental program is endorsed by the National Women's Veterans United Organization and AMVETS Department of Illinois. CLICK HERE for our mission statement. The Veterans Smile Program is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Visit us on Facebook: If you would like to download our program flyer: Page One Page Two FUNDING: Our program relies solely on donations from personal and corporate sectors, grants, annual fundraising events, and especially support of other Veteran Service Organizations. Please support Veterans Smile by donating now. CLICK HERE to visit our Donate options to help our Veterans. Your support of our nation's Veterans through the Veterans Smile program is needed and appreciated. For more information reach out to us through our contact page. |
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